Don’t Pee in the Pool: How to Build and Maintain a Positive and Productive Company Culture

A great company culture is like a sparkling pool: it attracts and retains people who want to work in a refreshing and enjoyable environment. But poor company culture is like a dirty pool: it repels and drives away people who don’t want to work in a contaminated and unpleasant environment.

In this workshop, you will hear from Steve, a seasoned leader, speaker, and author who has helped many organizations create and sustain positive and productive company cultures. He will use the pool analogy to illustrate the common factors that can pollute or purify your company culture, such as gossip, communication, competence, and guidelines. He will also share his real-life experiences, stories, and insights on protecting your “pool” from harmful behaviors and practices.

You will also learn how to be a lifeguard for your company culture by identifying and eliminating the sources of contamination, establishing, and enforcing the standards of cleanliness, and promoting and celebrating the benefits of clarity. You will gain practical tools and techniques to improve your company culture and make it more inviting and satisfying for yourself and your team.

Don’t let your company culture become a dirty pool no one wants to work in. Join Steve for this fun and informative workshop on building and maintaining a positive and productive company culture!

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Team Members Will Discover

  • Understand the importance and impact of company culture on your performance, motivation, and well-being.
  • Recognize the signs and symptoms of a polluted or sparkling company culture.
  • Learn how to prevent and address the behaviors and practices that contaminate your company culture.
  • Learn how to create and maintain a positive and productive company culture that attracts and retains talent.
  • Learn how to leverage your company culture as a competitive advantage and a source of pride.

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teammates working together

The 5 Behaviors of a Cohesive Team Workshop Includes

  • Online 5 Behaviors assessment for each team member
  • A long-form report for each team member combined with a team report which drives the interaction of the workshop
  • Facilitation by a 5 Behaviors certied instructor
  • Handouts organized in an individualized binder
  • Engaging video and visual illustrations
  • Post-implementation meeting
  • Follow up assessment and workshop to measure your team's progress
teammates working together

What are the 5 Behaviors of a Cohesive Team?

One of the main ways that we help to communicate the need for healthy communication and cooperation in the workplace is through our teaching of the five behaviors of a cohesive team system. This system helps to teach your team the most efficient ways to communicate and cooperate in the workplace. This level of cooperation is imperative to the success of your organization, and the 5 Behaviors of a Cohesive Team lessons can help you get there.

1. Accountability

Your team will start from the beginning, with lessons that relate to the importance of personal responsibility when it comes to your function in the business. We want to teach your team what it means to take ownership of their results, whether they are good or bad. It helps to build professional character when you take charge of what you produce.

2. Commitment

Your staff will dive into the importance of commitment to their team and business when it comes to everyday functions. Being part of a team allows you the opportunity to fill a space in a group of people that will achieve beneficial results for your company. Your employees will work with the understanding that they are working for more than just themselves.

3. Conflict

Dealing with conflict in a healthy and productive manner is one of the major points of the system. A workplace where every issue stays bottled up and festers is a breeding ground for further conflict down the line. It is best to learn how to handle it respectfully, with the goal of moving forward.

4. Trust

It is imperative that your team trusts each other when you are moving into any project with your customers. We can teach your team how to show appreciation and offer the support that is necessary in order to make your goals achievable.

5. Results

At the end of the day, what you want to see with your business are the results. But, it takes an entire team of people that are on the same page when it comes to their expectations and goals, in order to make sure that you can reach the results that you want. The 5 Points system of professional education helps to ensure that everyone is on the same page. Your business can succeed with a bunch of people that are striving towards a common goal.

The most crucial aspect of the five-point system is that your employees will learn exactly what type of learner and servicer they are. It can break down their character and help them on the path towards self-awareness in their workplace. This level of understanding can help your staff achieve their goals with efficiency and assist them in their productivity.

Teamwork is extremely important when it comes to dealing with any individual project in a business. Whether you have ten employees, or one hundred, it is to your benefit to make sure that everyone is on the same page when it comes to how you function as an organization.

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Get in Touch Today

When businesses focus on their employees and their culture, they tend to find success. Reach out to us today and get a quote for our workshop on workplace culture and cohesion today!

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